Journal #25-"my vocabulary history"

Assess your own vocabulary. What are your strong points; what are your weak points when it comes to the trait of Word Choice in your writing and reading?
My strong points are coming up with the right words that click in the sentences. The words that are synonyms so no words would be repetitive. My weak points are when I read, it takes me awhile to figure out what some words mean, so I would have to read the sentence again. Also, when i write, it takes awhile for me to make sure that the words I use, makes sense and that the sentence it's in defines the word.
Describe how you have studied vocabulary in the past. What kinds of class activities and assignments have you experienced to work on your word choice?
I have had vocabulary tests in class. In the beginning of the week, our class would be given a set of words and each person picks a word. Then they would have to make a sentence with the word and draw a picture that describes the word. Another is an assignment that we had, where we were given a set of words and we had to use those words in a fictional story.
Describe how you, personally, learn new words. Give a specific example of how you have learned a new word recently.
I learned new words from my family and friends. I also learn from the books I read. I always like to have a book or a series that I am reading, so recently, I've been learning new words from the college level book I'm reading.

What are your specific vocabulary/word choice goals? How many new words would you like to learn this semester? What will be your evidence that you “own them” and can use them in your speaking and writing?
My goal is to learn more new words and use them daily. I would like to learn as much as I can. My evidence to show that I "own them", is to use them while talking to my friends and my family. I would also use it as I speak to my teachers and use it in my essays.

Explosion of the beginning

Anticipating and waiting, the words of how I spent my last few minutes of the 09'. As my cousin and I sat outside watching the little kids giggle over a few morning glories, i heard my uncle say that our biggest show this year is their neighbor lighting up over a dozen of aerials. I looked at him in shock, I've never seen the aerials right up close and now i was going to get to see it right above my head. As the 2010 crept closer, their neighbor decided to wake up everyone with a countdown blast from their blow horn. With each piercing blow came big cheers from the surrounding houses. When it was 10 seconds from the new year, they held it until everyone yelled "Happy New Year!" and they lit up all their aerials. My world was now, bright rainbows lights above me along with hugs and smiles all around me. I was glad to share this new year with my family and my friends.