Poems.. list..

My poem- "A companion" (not sure of this title)
Fire and Ice- Robert Frost (doesnt this sound familiar?)
The lockless door- Robert Frost
Life's too short- Michael Charles Messineo
Dreams Deffered- Langston Hughes
Hope is the thing- Emily Dickinson
A dream Within a dream- Edgar Allan Poe

Im sure of the first four in the list.. im trying to decide between the last 3..

Metaphor Poem

I wish for 20 hours of sleep(rough title)

I sleep, I eat, I cry

For your care is all I need

Im here for you

To comfort you in your sleep

To be there when you cry

To bring you that smile you long

Since you do the same for me

I claw, I protect

For you are my master

I may be difficult to care for

But its worth it in the end

I am a cat

That will always be there for you