This I Believe

Just Another Fight

   Everyone fights with their siblings. At one point, siblings get annoyed by each other or they would disagree and argue, but we learn to let go and move on. My sister and I have don’t go through a week without having a small argument. These small arguments, we usually end up forgetting about in the next 24 hours. The big fights however, results in us not speaking to each other in about 2-3 days at the usual. We usually get over these once something funny happens and we both laugh about it.

   There is one incident though that changed a lot between us. Our brother was on a trip at the Philippines, our mom was at church, and our dad was at work. It was me and her at home and we were hungry. We were already a bit annoyed at each other because she was nagging me about cooking rice and I didn’t want to listen to her. I finally went down to cook some rice and she made a couple of spam for us to eat.She had told me that she was really hungry and I said I wasn’t that hungry. There was one piece left and she told me not to grab it. I didn’t want it but since I was angry, I didn’t think. I grabbed it to make her angry. I went over to the sink and began to wash my dishes. She began to yell at me. I simply ignored it and kept doing what I was doing. I heard a slam and turned around to see her coming at me. Halfway through, she formed a fist and when she was right next to me, she punched me in the face. I defensively grabbed her arm and pushed her away. Thats when I began to feel where she hit me, my nose. I grabbed my nose and bent over, closing my eyes. My mind went blank, my nose was stinging, and my eyes closed shut. I reflexively tilted my head up, just in case it was bleeding. Too late, I opened my eyes to see drops of blood on the floor and my hands was wet with blood. I opened my mouth to breathe and tasted it.

   I immediately grabbed a towel, wet it and ran upstairs. It was all in a blur. Next thing I know, I’m sitting on my bed, crying, and wishing for someone to come home and save me. My nose burned and stung, I could hardly breathe. My mom had come home and my sister explained to her what happened. My mom knocked on my door and talked to me. She told me my sister regretted what she did and I know I did too but that didn’t fix things. For the next 2-3 weeks, we didn’t talk. We shared the same bedroom but no words were exchanged except for the usual “go eat” or “moms calling you” I forgave her for what happened and I slowly began to move on from it. Then one day she said to me that she wanted Jamba Juice and asked if I had wanted some. I said yes and on the way there, we talked in the car and everything was ok again.

   Although that incident hurt me and still makes me sad to even think about it, it showed us that we both love each other no matter what. Even if we fight, we somehow always end up forgiving each other and still enjoy each other’s company. Sisters fight but we need each other. I could say the same about the rest of my family and even my friends. We fight but we get through it because we learn to let go and move on. Thats what unconditional love means. No matter what, we’ll love each other and forgive each other. This, I believe.