Poetry Website Invitation


Hi! I just said hi.. in a different form.. Anyways... Whenever you can, you, yes i mean YOU can come and visit my poetry website. Whats that? Its a website that I created that includes 4, yes FOUR of poems of my interest and, wait for it........ My OWN poem. Yes, i wrote it myself. My metaphor poem! Hahaha, and when you're done, PLEASE leave a comment to this post.

That picture on the left is a sneak peek
An example of one of my pages :D

if you missed that, here it is again!: http://www2.k12.hi.us/~rmorales/poems.html

Please and Thank you!

Revised Metaphor Poem

I sleep, I eat, I cry
For you attention is all I need
I'm here for you
To comfort you
To be there when you cry
To bring you that smile you long
Since you do the same for me
I claw, I protect
For you are my friend
I may be difficult to care for
But its worth it in the end
I clean,
Im independent
I learn on my own,
do things on my own
I am a cat

metaphor project reflection

Hi there. grawr (grr&rawr).. its late and for some reason.. im doing homework and oy.. its odd.

Well here goes..
Creating the poem wasn't easy for me. Actually, making up a poem or a video is never easy for me. It's tough for my to create a poem for something that general.. In a way, this project was. We had to create a metaphor for ourselves, at first thinking of a metaphor for myself wasn't easy at all. There were many possibilities, some odd and some were just, completely random and made no sense at all. Of course, while thinking of the different metaphors, i was with my cat and that how i realized what my metaphor would be. The next hard step? Making the poem. Making poems aren't my specialty. I like to read them but make me write one and you won't get a response from me for awhile. To make it, i just thought of the different elements there are in a poem. I thought of making rhymes and i also thought of making similes. After about an hour of thinking, i finished. But, i wasn't done yet. I still had a video to make. Since my poem was mainly about cats, i thought it was pretty easy to make the storyboard for this. And it was, all needed was to show the personality of my cats that related to me.

I learned many things during this project. For one, never have a lazy and mean cat as your actor. They will walk away from the camera and hide from you until you put it away. I also learn about the different angles i could use. The angles made my video more interesting to watch while at the same time, it informed them about myself. I also learned about turning poems into videos. It may be alot of work but it's always fun to do. Some things in poem could be used literally. For example, in my poem "i claw, i protect", I didn't actually mean that i would fist fight with someone for my friends but i also meant that i would protect them from words that could hurt for a long time. But in my video, i used in a literal way by using the audio of my cats. As for myself, i learned that i don't quit easy. I may think that i want to but i won't and my poem helped with this because it wasn't easy making my poem.