Poetry Website Invitation


Hi! I just said hi.. in a different form.. Anyways... Whenever you can, you, yes i mean YOU can come and visit my poetry website. Whats that? Its a website that I created that includes 4, yes FOUR of poems of my interest and, wait for it........ My OWN poem. Yes, i wrote it myself. My metaphor poem! Hahaha, and when you're done, PLEASE leave a comment to this post.

That picture on the left is a sneak peek
An example of one of my pages :D

if you missed that, here it is again!: http://www2.k12.hi.us/~rmorales/poems.html

Please and Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Rebekah! Hey how are you.. I havent seen you in a while :) here have a seat and let's talk.

    First of all I like you're invite. I laughed because it sounded EXACTLY like something you'd be telling me in class.... oh good times, good times :D
    and i enjoy the graphic, it was a good one to put out because it makes people really want to click the link below to find out what else there is

    I like that you just put your metaphor poem on the opening page. The pictures especially enhance the poem (like jocks on steroids... but in a friendlier... and more legal way). Its nice how one of your cats looks soft and cuddly- while the other one... yeesh. sorta creeps me out with his (?) eyes, which alines with the point you have in your poem about clawing and protecting.

    hah. from the looks of it, this comments gonna be a long-ish-er one... lucky you!!! hahahaha :DD

    and i JUST noticed that Jaynie wrote the seashells poem. that's cool. that's very cool. (yes i am so observant)

    The layout of your pages were simple, yet to the point. Plus your graphics enhanced the poem, without taking away from the importance of it. and i applaud :)

    was there anything i forgot? well i'll tell you in school then :D
    hmm this comment wasn't as long as i thought it would be... o wells :)
