Pro and Con: Redo


Proposition: I think it was right for the government to ban deepwater drilling. It led to an oil spill that has been going on for about 5 months and up until now the government is still trying to find a way to deal with it so it can't cause any more damage than it already has. Banning it can prevent future cases like this one.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah,

    This is closer to a proposition but still needs to be brought down to a single sentence. That sentence should express a "should or should not" or an "is or is not" kind of statement.
    For example, if you take out the "I think" from your first sentence, it would be a proposition without the rest of the paragraph: "The government was right to ban deep water drilling." or "The government should ban deep water drilling."

    See how that works?
    mrs s
    revision assessment: 3
