Journal #3: Interview

1 I have chosen halo-halo. This is a Filipino dessert that has been passed down from generation to generation, you couldn’t be Filipino without knowing about halo-halo. It has many ingredients and each person’s halo-halo can differ from what they want in it.
2. I will be interviewing my dad and my mom on Saturday, 8/25.
3. Where did you learn about halo-halo?
What was your first reaction when you tasted this?
What is one of the memories you had with it?
Is this food used for special traditions?

*sorry this is late, my internet wouldnt work and i could only post stuff up now*

Writing experience

I have many experiences in writing. Most of them are in school. Like for social studies, we wrote five paragraph essays. For english, we wrote reports on topics or we created our own stories. I like to write my own stories because I can express myself freely. Most stories I write are about my life, what i've gone through or what i'm currently going through. When im writing i would like to improve on my voice and my word choices.