Allusion Poem

Just a girl trying to help

Are you lost?
I don't know, am i?
Im just wandering around
Hey, watch where you're going

Can you help me?
Yes i can
Im friendly
Im weird
I say the most confusing things
But ill go through great lengths to help you

Which way did the boat go?
I think its that way
I do have short term memory loss
but once I look at you
I remember it
Im your friend
You're mine
Im here for you,
Whenever you need it
By the way,
The whale's mouth
is half full

What do we do now?
I know you just heard some bad news
But don't worry
Just keep swimming
You'll find what you need
Maybe it's just too soon
Don't worry
Im still here

:D sorry, you're guessing this one..

nah, jk im Dory! :D


  1. BEKAH!!!! :)
    well first off! i liked how u used dory as your allusion. i think it does symbolize you because not only do you go out of your way and help people, but you also tend to get distracted easily and forget! hahah, to me.. i feel that it also applies to you personally cause sometimes you feel lost & dont know where youre headed. But you still manage to help other people and think of the glass as half full! Great allusion (: i loved it!

  2. Heyy, okay so I see how this allusion applies to you. You always try to help people and are there when they need it. While I was reading your poem, I felt a little lost. Sometimes you would just put something random such as "by the way, the whale's mouth is half full" I didn't think that was quite relevant. I think your allusion suits you well, just the writing needs to be fixed a little:)


  3. Hi Rebekah,
    I agree with your teammates that your characterization is accurate :)

    And I also agree that the allusion could be made clearer, both with more specifics about the allusion (Dory) and with more specifics about your own life. I think the addition of specifics would help your reader see more clearly the comparison being made in the allusion.

    mrs s
