Poems.. list..

My poem- "A companion" (not sure of this title)
Fire and Ice- Robert Frost (doesnt this sound familiar?)
The lockless door- Robert Frost
Life's too short- Michael Charles Messineo
Dreams Deffered- Langston Hughes
Hope is the thing- Emily Dickinson
A dream Within a dream- Edgar Allan Poe

Im sure of the first four in the list.. im trying to decide between the last 3..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah,

    I think it's great that you have so many poems to choose from for your poetry website :) If you like all three of them, you may want to settle on the one about which you have the most interesting things to say in your 5 step process :)

    Good luck and let me know if you have questions.
    mrs s
