Project Icarus


Passion & Stretch
- Started freshman year
- Got really interested and started playing outside of school
- I wanted to get better so i started taking private lessons
- Used my free time to practice with friends and family
- Got involved more during school
- Started thinking about how I can improve in each part of the game

Resources & Research
- Tennis coaches
- Other players
- Lessons/ Drills

Process & Product
- I would go back to taking more lessons
- Take more of my time to go practice even if it's on my own
- Use school learnings and apply it
- As a result I would like to take tennis a full time sport that I play in and out of school and I would like to continue it till I get older

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebekah,

    Sounds as if you're definitely passionate about the sport :)
    I would suggest that you find specifics about both college tennis and professional tennis as part of your research.
    I would also caution you to make sure you've got "stretch" in your project. I think you need more of that right now...Project Icarus needs to incorporate activities and learning you would not gain as part of your regular program or efforts.
    Assessment score: MS (3)
    mrs s
