
First semester went by too fast. I learned a lot of new things. From making a good video, using photoshop to express a message, using traits to create a good essay, and now, making web pages to show everyone what I’ve done this semester. Working with these htmls are not easy but they are fun to do.

Hola mom and/or dad!
When I have finished presenting to you my portfolio, I would like you to comment about it (down there). Also please include your answer to these questions in your comments.

-What did you like best about my portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
-From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 4 traits of writing is of most value? Please explain why you feel it is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
-Which of the traits of writing would you like me to focus on in the coming semester?



Interdependence, it happens every day and all the time. We don’t even notice it. It mostly happens with our family. Every single day, we depend our parents to put a roof over our head, give us food to eat, and clothes to wear. We depend on our brothers and sisters to help us when our parent’s can’t. And they depend on us to help them, by cleaning up around the house, cooking when they can’t, and doing our schoolwork to show that we are trying.

There are other times like during main events. Once was during a birthday party- my sister’s and I- and we were hosting it at our pool. As much as I love to party, I hated setting up for it. My family can get frustrated easily and most of the times, at each other.

“Huff, huff” I was running out our door, to the garage, and into the hot sun. As the car pulled away, I waved my arms and yelled “wait, WAAIT!” The car stopped with me right in front of it. I was jumping up and down since the ground was burning up.

“What?” my sister yelled out the window as I walked over.

“Mom said to start the grill at the pool” I told her, still jumping up and down.

“OK” My sister said as she pulled away.

My job, as usual was to send messages from one person to the other. It was a tiring job; having to run after people to tell them (did I mention it was hot?).And since no one bothered to keep their phone anymore, it made my job harder. I also had to gather all the things they say to grab and either put it in the car or walk to the pool with it. My mom was at the pool, telling us what we need to bring. My dad was at our house, cooking and bringing out things we need. My brother and sister were taking turns with the car (if one is driving, the other is at one location, helping). I was in both locations, taking messages. Most of the time, my job would get harder because we were tired and no one would listen to the messages I’m trying to relay to them.

The madness was near to its end. Everything was ready at the pool, a couple of guests have arrived, and only a couple more things to get from the house. I walked slowly to the pool, carrying a bagful of cooking utensils and another bag with condiments. My cousin was passing by me and he slowed down and waited for me to catch up.

“Need a ride?” He asked

“Ok thanks” I answered as I got into his car.

When we got to the pool, food was laid out on the tabletop and everyone was around it, grabbing food and chatting happily. Not wanting the food to run out before I got there, I quickly put the utensils and condiments by the sink and grabbed the paper plate. My auntie was in front of me and started chatting with me. I kept nodding my head, only paying attention to the tasty food set in front of me. When I finished grabbing my food, I took a seat next to my sisters. We chatted, talking about which food was delicious and which food was unpleasant. There was a lot of agreement and disagreement, causing a short argument between two of my sisters. I stood up and took in the moment. Each table was filled with a group of family chattering and laughing. Then I heard something I didn’t expect.

“BEK! Go back to the house and grab the radio!” My mom yelled across the pavilion.

I gave her an exhausted look. I turned to face my sister, she read my expression and grabbed the car keys and stood up.