
First semester went by too fast. I learned a lot of new things. From making a good video, using photoshop to express a message, using traits to create a good essay, and now, making web pages to show everyone what I’ve done this semester. Working with these htmls are not easy but they are fun to do.

Hola mom and/or dad!
When I have finished presenting to you my portfolio, I would like you to comment about it (down there). Also please include your answer to these questions in your comments.

-What did you like best about my portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
-From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 4 traits of writing is of most value? Please explain why you feel it is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
-Which of the traits of writing would you like me to focus on in the coming semester?


1 comment:

  1. I felt great as a mother after reading your portfolio. it was so amazing for me and makes me feel proud to read and understand the other side of you, that you didn't came to share with me.
    it's OK you are entitled to your own privacy too.
    actually, I like everything,that I have read.
    Among the four traits,the most valuable is the information about Hawaii's species, because it's very informative, and makes people aware what's going on about our natural resources. It also impressed me that you were able to write articles like this.
    For the coming semester you can focus on the voice traits, if that's where you're interest is.
