Pro-Con: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Summary: The oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico is still in the ocean. But just incase, they have temporarily plugged in by the "static kill" and they are waiting on the results. The "static kill" has stuffed the well with mud and cement from above the hole. If the results show that the pressure is rising then the "bottom kill" is still needed. The "bottom kill" is plugging the well by pumping in mud and cement through a nearby relief well. The officials are still debating on whether they should still go on with the idea with the relief well in order to ensure that the well is closed.

Proposition: I think that they should go on with the bottom kill because it would surely end the problem with the oil spill that has been causing many problems. 



  1. Hello Rebekah! (:

    I agree with you that they should just continue with the plan of plugging in the bottom kill. It will help stop the well from leaking more oil into the Gulf of Mexico. They need to do this act fast so that this issue wouldn't become another major problem.


  2. best friend! (:

    I agree that they should continue with the bottom kill. Since the static kill results show the pressure rising, then they should just leave the bottom kill there without changing it to make the oil spill end quicker. The oil spill will eventually end for good if they don't take it away.


  3. Hi Rebekah,
    The oil spill is a good general topic for argument. The proposition, however, would be more effective if it focused on something more opinion based, like whether or not we should continue to expand deep water drilling.
    The proposition about the bottom kill approach is more a debate based on scientific data, rather than competing values and priorities.
    assessment score: 3
    mrs s
