Journal #9

My novel is Wild Meat and Bully Burgers.
This book is about Lovey's life as she tries to find her identity. She has a Japanese-American family. I think this book relates to cultural/ethnic roots because of how the book was written from Lovey's view. The way that her and friends talk is part of their culture in Hawaii. Where she works is also part of the culture and ethnic roots because, in Hawaii, the Japanese were one of the plantation workers.
"Japanee girls all want haole last names like Smith or Cole"
Lovey is a japanese girl that wants to marry a haole. She wants to be a haole. She isnt very fond of her Japanese culture. In the book, She and her family cannot speak proper english. Her teacher, Mr. Harvey tells her to learn how to speak proper english and learn how to use it all the time.

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