
First semester went by too fast. I learned a lot of new things. From making a good video, using photoshop to express a message, using traits to create a good essay, and now, making web pages to show everyone what I’ve done this semester. Working with these htmls are not easy but they are fun to do.

Hola mom and/or dad!
When I have finished presenting to you my portfolio, I would like you to comment about it (down there). Also please include your answer to these questions in your comments.

-What did you like best about my portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
-From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 4 traits of writing is of most value? Please explain why you feel it is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
-Which of the traits of writing would you like me to focus on in the coming semester?



Interdependence, it happens every day and all the time. We don’t even notice it. It mostly happens with our family. Every single day, we depend our parents to put a roof over our head, give us food to eat, and clothes to wear. We depend on our brothers and sisters to help us when our parent’s can’t. And they depend on us to help them, by cleaning up around the house, cooking when they can’t, and doing our schoolwork to show that we are trying.

There are other times like during main events. Once was during a birthday party- my sister’s and I- and we were hosting it at our pool. As much as I love to party, I hated setting up for it. My family can get frustrated easily and most of the times, at each other.

“Huff, huff” I was running out our door, to the garage, and into the hot sun. As the car pulled away, I waved my arms and yelled “wait, WAAIT!” The car stopped with me right in front of it. I was jumping up and down since the ground was burning up.

“What?” my sister yelled out the window as I walked over.

“Mom said to start the grill at the pool” I told her, still jumping up and down.

“OK” My sister said as she pulled away.

My job, as usual was to send messages from one person to the other. It was a tiring job; having to run after people to tell them (did I mention it was hot?).And since no one bothered to keep their phone anymore, it made my job harder. I also had to gather all the things they say to grab and either put it in the car or walk to the pool with it. My mom was at the pool, telling us what we need to bring. My dad was at our house, cooking and bringing out things we need. My brother and sister were taking turns with the car (if one is driving, the other is at one location, helping). I was in both locations, taking messages. Most of the time, my job would get harder because we were tired and no one would listen to the messages I’m trying to relay to them.

The madness was near to its end. Everything was ready at the pool, a couple of guests have arrived, and only a couple more things to get from the house. I walked slowly to the pool, carrying a bagful of cooking utensils and another bag with condiments. My cousin was passing by me and he slowed down and waited for me to catch up.

“Need a ride?” He asked

“Ok thanks” I answered as I got into his car.

When we got to the pool, food was laid out on the tabletop and everyone was around it, grabbing food and chatting happily. Not wanting the food to run out before I got there, I quickly put the utensils and condiments by the sink and grabbed the paper plate. My auntie was in front of me and started chatting with me. I kept nodding my head, only paying attention to the tasty food set in front of me. When I finished grabbing my food, I took a seat next to my sisters. We chatted, talking about which food was delicious and which food was unpleasant. There was a lot of agreement and disagreement, causing a short argument between two of my sisters. I stood up and took in the moment. Each table was filled with a group of family chattering and laughing. Then I heard something I didn’t expect.

“BEK! Go back to the house and grab the radio!” My mom yelled across the pavilion.

I gave her an exhausted look. I turned to face my sister, she read my expression and grabbed the car keys and stood up.


Just in case you wanna know where my info is from :D








KC3 thesis

yes, i know its late. im sorry
topic: Alien Invasive Species
subtopic: Biodiversity and its threats

my thesis: Invasive species in Hawaii are a threat to Hawaii's rich biodiversity.

KC3- draft

Hawaii, a beautiful place to live with lots of beautiful plants and animals. But are they all from Hawaii? Hawaii is rich with an endemic biodiversity. Endemic means that it originated in Hawaii and was not a type of introduced specie. Biodiversity is the number and variety of species in one area. Species brought to Hawaii are part of its biodiversity but can also ruin the greatness of it. Invasive alien species in Hawaii are a threat to Hawaii’s rich biodiversity.

Hawaii’s biodiversity has many unique and well adapted species. Most of them aren’t even found anywhere else but in Hawaii. Invasive species came here by themselves or were brought here. The early settles brought as food, so they had something to eat. The Hawaiians brought “32 species of plants, geckos, pigs, and rats. In less than 2 millennia Hawaiians had forced 17 flightless birds to go extinct.”(http://www.explorebiodiversity.com/Hawaii/Pages/conservation.htm). Birds such as the flightless goose to the Hawaiian ‘O’o has gone extinct because of alien invasive species. These birds were here from 1000-1300 years ago. Then another reason why they were brought here is to solve problems from species that were already ruining the biodiversity. But once the problem is gone, the species that were brought here would multiply and become a larger population.

Another invasive species that is a threat to Hawaii’s biodiversity are humans. Humans harm the native animals by capturing them and altering the natural habitats, these areas that the native species would need to survive. Once they alter it, the habitats for the native species would get eliminated and the native species would not be able to survive anymore. Due to Hawaii’s small animals that were not adapted to compete, Hawaii became vulnerable to its threats. If these native species become extinct, the stunning array of plants and animals will quickly disappear. If they disappear, Hawaii’s biodiversity wouldn’t be rich in its unique and large variety of animals.

Due to the Invasive species, Hawaii’s biodiversity has suffered for it. Hawaii’s biodiversity is as rich as it is now because of the native species. Its native species have well adapted to its environment and are about to live and reproduce easily. But because of Invasive alien species, they are becoming extinct. When they become extinct, Hawaii’s biodiversity wouldn’t be good anymore because it would have a small amount of species in this area. A type of native specie that is now becoming extinct because of its threats are the Silversword, it was still recovering from its depletion from collectors but is now having a hard time about Argentine Ants that attack its pollinators. Another is the Oahu tree snails. They are rapidly disappearing from Oahu’s forests from people collecting it’s shell. The biodiversity mostly depends on its variety of different animals. And if the native species continue to become extinct, there wouldn’t be much of a variety except the invasive species that came to Hawaii.

The invasive species are affecting Hawaii’s biodiversity. They only thrive on a specific habitat and when they do, the native species living in that habitat would become extinct. They would limit the sources that are needed by the native species that were already in that habitat. When its sources are limited, they are forced to compete and since they were adapted to compete, they won’t be able to survive. They would also mess with the interaction of the native species, interaction that they need to survive and multiply. Invasive alien species would also prey on native species, give them diseases, and hybridize. Having all these threats that affect the native species, would affect the way that Hawaii’s biodiversity was.

Hawaii’s biodiversity is important. We need the native plants and animals. They recycle nutrients, produce oxygen, pollinated plants and these plants are used for crops, fibers, and medicine. The biodiversity is good for human health, economy, ethical, and aesthetic reasons. They perform needed ecological roles in our biosphere.

Hawaii has 30 vertebrates, 102 invertebrates, and 515 plants that are considered “critically imperiled globally”. This means those 1–5 occurrences and/or fewer than 1,000 individuals remaining. All these animals and plants played an important role in Hawaii’s biodiversity and played ecological roles. Every year, Hawaii receives and excess of 20 new species. All of which could destroy and eliminate the native species by creating a competition that the native species are vulnerable to.

Response to teacher-commentary

Hi Ms. Sueoka,
thanks for the comment on my pre-assessment. I do realize that i needed more details. My only problem is thinking of it and thinking of it on the spot. Plus, sometimes i think that i put way too much details and take out the important details that I should've kept. Also, I have a problem with the wording on my details, I usually get stuck on one word and i would keep repeating that word. I think with your help, I can learn how to make my essays come alive and let the reader experience what i was experiencing.
once again, thank you. Its good to know what I need to work on.

Querencia essay draft

I walked up the soft, brown stairs, my legs heavy and my arms sagging down from my shoulder. I had a long and crazy day at school. All I could think of was going into my room and sleeping but I knew I couldn’t sleep yet. I had homework to do and I had chores to do. When I walked in, there on the floor, was already a piece of mess I had left behind from the morning. I shook my head and picked it up and threw it somewhere inside the room. I was in no mood to clean up.
My room always felt different from the rest of the world. It’s a feeling that lets me show my true personality. When I’m outside my room, I’m usually a different person. Once the door closes, I let myself run loose and run free. When I’m happy, I’m listening to music and dancing. When I’m mad, I pace around the room, thinking about how I can let it out without hurting anyone. When I’m sad, I’m lying on my bed, face down, letting the pillow absorb the tears that are escaping my eyes.
Every emotion I’ve had has been captured by this room. When I’m tired, there’s the scattered pillows and blanket to show. The socks, t-shirts, shorts, and jeans all over the floor is from when I’m rushing to leave the house in the morning. I wouldn’t have time to even put my clothes back to how neatly folded it was before. Then there is the mess of papers and books next to my desk, some probably from my middle school days or even my elementary. I would be a school “nerd”, just sitting on my desk and doing my home work. When I finish, it would be too late into the night to grab my books and put it away neatly. The way my desk is arranged shows a time that I was “OCD” because everything is straight and my books are set is from biggest to smallest. There are the pictures on the wall that have some of my best memories.
This isn’t only my room; it’s my older sister’s too. Actually, it was once owned by 3 of my sisters. Yes, it’s amazing to fit so much people, yet alone, so much bed in one room. And it wasn’t a big room either. Then once the oldest one moved out for college, it was just for two people. Then the next oldest left and finally, I was allowed to move in. I was happy, even though it wasn’t my own. I had my own place. A place to call “my room”, my sister wasn’t that happy I was moving in but she dealt with it and later found that it’s actually interesting to share a room with me. Mostly because, outside of our room, we constantly fight but once were inside, we share everything with each other, our secrets and our problems. She helps me with my problems and I do the same with her. We both keep each other’s secrets from anyone else, especially our parents.
The fact that so much of us have used this room, I feel that this room has many secrets and many memories, happy, sad, and even mad memories. A lot of things happened in here and all of us know what it is. Every mess, every scratch, every object, and every filth means something in this room. And now, it means a lot to me, they all indicate a feeling I’ve had.

Journal #5: Menemac student

A menemac student is a student that has creativity and is comfortable with working in groups. Having creativity allows the student to picture good videos and make the videos look better with effects. Also, it allows the student to create good stories for videos. Creativity, also helps with photoshop projects. A menemac student should also be comfortable with working in groups because to create a video, you would have to work with others and not have problems with it. If there is, then they should be able to solve the problem and be able to produce a quality work.
A menemac student should also be a student that likes to learn new things. In technology, there are always new things coming up and the student needs to learn about it to be able to use technology easily. Also, in learning new things, good stuff will come out of it. A menemac student is also a student that can learn and understand. To understand things, means that they can do it and they can teach it to others. So if they understand a certain program, it means they can use it effectively and they can show others or teach others how to use that.

Journal #9

My novel is Wild Meat and Bully Burgers.
This book is about Lovey's life as she tries to find her identity. She has a Japanese-American family. I think this book relates to cultural/ethnic roots because of how the book was written from Lovey's view. The way that her and friends talk is part of their culture in Hawaii. Where she works is also part of the culture and ethnic roots because, in Hawaii, the Japanese were one of the plantation workers.
"Japanee girls all want haole last names like Smith or Cole"
Lovey is a japanese girl that wants to marry a haole. She wants to be a haole. She isnt very fond of her Japanese culture. In the book, She and her family cannot speak proper english. Her teacher, Mr. Harvey tells her to learn how to speak proper english and learn how to use it all the time.

Journal #8

My safe places or my favorite place:
1. Our backyard. Its quiet and entertaining. As I sit down on the brown, homemade swing, my dog runs around, playing with himself. I can lay back and stare into the sky and just think.

2. My uncle's backyard.In their backyard, there is a hill and my uncle is in the middle of constructing a house-like area but at the top, he finished and there is chairs up there. Everytime, i go to their house, everyone knew that, that was the place that id be at. I have the shade of the big mango tree, the beautiful view of this side of the island. As the night comes, i can see the city lights coming on, one by one. When i sit up there, i can think clearly and i know who i am and what i want. No one else matters, just me..

3. The park by my house. Soft, thick, and green grass. The small hills i can lie on. When I dont want to be around anyone else and im not at my uncle's house, i go to this place. It allows me to remember all the good times (because this park has nothing but good memories). It relaxes me and calms me down. I can easily make the decision of what my next step will be.

And I choose...... My Uncle's backyard!!

essay draft

I smiled at the sight I was seeing. There was chattering and laughter filling the whole pavilion. I could hear my cousins yelling and chasing each other playfully. Then I heard my dad taking out a bag of ice, I looked at him in confusion. He didn’t need so much ice for a drink and he could’ve kept it in the freezer. Then he turned around and took out 3 bottles. One that I recognized immediately from the white, clear cubes, all squeezed in together, it was a bottle of macapuno (sweetened coconut meat). I saw my sisters looking at the same thing as me. We all knew what it was, the ingredients for halo-halo.
My dad took out the rest of the ingredients, all cold. As soon as he took out the shave ice machine I was already next to him with a glass and eager to make mine. But I wasn’t the only one, my sisters and my cousins were next to me too. My dad chuckled; he said “Don’t hurt each other” and walked away. I started filling my cup with the stuff I wanted, first a spoonful of the soft, brown sweetened kidney beans. Next the big, green garbanzos (chickpeas) and the golden yellow slices of langka (jackfruit). Then a spoonful of the small and yellow sweetened corn kernels. I got a cup of ice and poured it in the shave ice machine, as it was grinding, making little pieces of clear ice, a drop of sweat rolled down my head. I could already taste it in my mouth.
I added the shaved ice and poured the condensed milk. I added a portion of the custard on top of it. It was still screaming for something, there was something missing. I knew it right away; I opened the freezer and saw it, ube ice cream. I opened the box and the cold, purple dessert was revealed. I grabbed a spoonful and added in on top of my halo-halo. It was done. Water was trickling down the side of it from the chilly ice. I gulped, my stomach was screaming for it. The colorful bottom, then a huge white part from the ice and on top a big purple piece of creamy ube.
After I finished eating it, I could still taste the ube in my tongue. My mind and my brain were satisfied. I couldn’t help but smile. I looked around and nearly every table in the pavilion had someone eating a glass of halo-halo. I sat down by my dad and he said, “I was afraid to get mobbed by our hungry family, just like how my dad was”. We laughed at the sight of my sister feeding it to my nephew. I couldn’t help but feel the sense of happiness from this day. Mostly because, it was the first time I ate halo-halo in a long time. But also from the happiness that it brought to my family.


· langka (jackfruit)
· macapuno (a variety of coconut meat sold in bottles)
· sweetened kidney beans
· sweetened garabanzos
· ube or yam
· custard or creme caramel
· sweetened corn kernels
· crushed ice to fill glass
· a can of condensed milk
· a scoop of ice cream on top

Where did you learn about halo-halo?
-I first learned it when your tatay(my grandpa) brought it out at my 2nd birthday.
What was your first reaction when you tasted this?
-I was amazed that it was so good, I didn’t know anything could taste that good. I couldn’t help but smiile
What is one of the memories you had with it?
-Once my whole family knew about it, my dad was afraid to take out the ingredients because when he does he gets mobbed by the hungry pack of wolves, which is our family. (He chuckled) And now, I’m afraid of the same thing.
Was there any special time you made halo-halo?
-Well for our family, we mostly just use it on special occasions, like on parties or big events like birthdays, new year, or Christmas. I remember making it for you whenever you would cry about something, you’d cheer up right away after that.
Is this food used for special traditions?
-Mostly just for big celebrations

Journal #3: Interview

1 I have chosen halo-halo. This is a Filipino dessert that has been passed down from generation to generation, you couldn’t be Filipino without knowing about halo-halo. It has many ingredients and each person’s halo-halo can differ from what they want in it.
2. I will be interviewing my dad and my mom on Saturday, 8/25.
3. Where did you learn about halo-halo?
What was your first reaction when you tasted this?
What is one of the memories you had with it?
Is this food used for special traditions?

*sorry this is late, my internet wouldnt work and i could only post stuff up now*

Writing experience

I have many experiences in writing. Most of them are in school. Like for social studies, we wrote five paragraph essays. For english, we wrote reports on topics or we created our own stories. I like to write my own stories because I can express myself freely. Most stories I write are about my life, what i've gone through or what i'm currently going through. When im writing i would like to improve on my voice and my word choices.